Tinjauan Hukum Islam : Penguburan Dua Jenazah Non Covid-19 Dalam Satu Liang Lahat
Published 2022-06-30
- Islamic Law,
- Burial,
- Pandemic,
- Non Covid-19 Patients,
- Corpse
On this article, we will focus on reviewing the concept of emergency and the phenomenon of the burial of two non Covid-19 bodies in one grave with the perspective of Islamic law. In achieving the objectives to be discussed, the authors agree to use a juridical-normative research method that is studied through a conceptual approach and a historical approach. As for the nature of this research is qualitative so that produce scientific and meaningful reseacrh. Source of data used to establish this reasearch are secondary data sources which include various written materials such as al-Qur’an, historical books, Islamic studies books, theorem from the Sunnah and Hadits, and interpretations of several scholars, as well as literature from various references relevant to this research. Then the data obtained were analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods so that the phenomena discussed in this study can produce a systematic and accurate explanation. From the results of the research that has been carried out, the authors found that the concept of emergency is a condition that can give rise to the permissibility of Muslims to perform an act whose law has been forbidden to become permissible as long as it is within the limits that have also been determined in Islamic Law. Other than that, the reality is that the phenomenon of the burial of two non Covid-19 bodies into one of the graves during the pandemic which is considered an emergency category cannot be fullly justified according to Islamic Law. Becauce on basically, Islamic Law has stipulate that it is forbidden for Muslims to bury several bodies into one grave. Moreover, for non Covid-19 corpses, it is necessary to reconsider and adjust to the nature of the emergency itself. Considering the current state of the pandemic, it can be said to be in a normal state as evidenced by the condition of the TPU, which is already considered to be sufficient if one wants to bury two bodies with one grave each.
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