Permasalahan Dalam Penerapan Prinsip Kehati-Hatian Pemberian Kredit BPR
Published 2022-12-30
- Principle,
- Prudence,
- Credit
Rural Bank (BPR) plays a role in small communities to provide credit. However, in reality there are still various violations in the provision of this credit, one of which is not implementing the precautionary principle. The problems examined in this article concern how the principle of prudence is implemented in lending to BPRs and how the application of the principle of prudence is violated in BPRs. The aim of the study was to find out about the implementation of lending between Rumeksa Arta through the Arta Mara Cooperative and KSU Harta. It can be concluded that BPR exists to assist the people in extending credit while taking into account the principle of prudence.
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